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Frequently Asked Questions


When you first enter the office, a staff member will greet you and have you fill out your New Patient paperwork if you have not done so in advance. If you have scheduled in advance, please download, print, and fill out the paper work. It can be found on the "Before Your First Visit" tab.

Next, the doctor will take you to the Exam Room for a full physical and chiropractic exam. Perhaps one of the most important steps in an exam is Visualization. We are most interested in your spine, so the first place the doctor will examine is your back and neck. This serves many purposes which can be helpful in preventative health care measures. For example, the doctor will take note of things like bruises, scars, and moles in case a further referral to a different professional is needed. 


The physical exam consists of many things including going over your health history and talking about your chief complaint. Blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, height, and weight are recorded. Then depending on your particular case, other exams may be administered at the doctor's discretion. These may include range of motion, orthopedic testing (these can help the doctor narrow down what the diagnosis is), neurological testing (these include things like reflexes, sensory exams, etc and help the doctor come to an accurate diagnosis as well). 

The chiropractic exam is just one of the many layers to the physical described above. It is specifically interested in how a specific spinal or extremity segment is moving, if they are painful, if there is swelling or sudoriferous changes or redness, and many other criteria. The doctor will also motion palpate segments, which helps to confirm if the subluxation is present. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us! 

Lastly before the adjustment, the doctor may decide radiographs (x-rays) are necessary to providing the best care. The doctor islicensed to order any  imaging that may be necessary including X-Ray, CT and MRI. There are many criteria that lead to these decisions, and it is highly dependent upon individual patient cases. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions or concerns.


f you have already scheduled an appointment, make sure to fill out your paperwork ahead of time. Please bring your license or other valid state ID. Also bring your preferred form of payment. We accept cash, debit, credit, or check.

If you would like to bring a family member, trusted friend, or legal guardian please don't hesitate! We want you to feel comfortable and make sound decisions concerning your health care, so having a trusted second opinion with you is always a good idea. Our goal at Iron Chiropractic is to provide honesty and transparency in everything we do. It is part of how we provide you with the best health and chiropractic care. 


Doctors of Chiropractic are considered Portal of Entry practitioners in most states today. You do not need a referral to schedule an appointment with us. We are here to help manage your best health care options, which can include in-house care or referral to the appropriate professional.

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